Terri J Photography

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From Heartbreak to Puppy Love. Welcoming joy with a new puppy!

As we kick off a brand-new year, with hope for new beginnings, I have had the privilege to be a part of sharing in the joy that only a new puppy can bring.

Just a few months ago, a special family bid a tearful farewell to their cherished companion, a scruffy little dog named Miley.

The void left behind brought so much sorrow to their home and hearts, and an incredible longing for a new pet to love.

And then unexpectedly, just as we ring in a New Year, a tiny ball of fur named Izzy entered the scene, bringing the chance for joy and love that only a puppy can give. The family had not planned to get a new puppy yet. They were waiting for the right time. But as fate would have it, sometimes the right time just happens upon you!

On a cloudy and cool day while on vacation, the family saw a notification about some puppies. With nothing better to do they went “just to look!” Well who can just look at a puppy without falling in love! And so the did…with this little imp.

It's been just a few days since Izzy, the pint-sized dynamo, wagged her way into their lives.

And let me tell you, she's wasting no time proving that the journey of raising a new puppy is no walk in the park. The family are already knee-deep in the trials and tribulations of raising a puppy.

This is the start of the toilet training challenge.  Puddles are par for the course, but the laughs and love has certainly made up for the learning curve of puppy parenting.

Chew toys are now the heroes at home, and the rest of the house is all about making it safe for the puppy. Shoes, books, and rugs have sadly been stashed away, casualties of teething mischief. But in the midst of all this playful chaos, something magical is happening.

Izzy, with her boundless energy and unconditional love, is already helping to heal the broken hearts of the children. The adorable puppy may be small, but her impact on their lives is immeasurable.

Already the advantages of having a puppy have become evident!

While puppies are celebrated for the joy they can bring, they also offer a variety of other benefits ranging from improved physical health to enhanced emotional well-being.

Here are some amazing benefits of bringing a puppy into your life.

1. Unconditional Love and Companionship

One of the most apparent benefits of getting a new puppy is the companionship they provide. Puppies are known for their boundless energy and affection, offering unconditional love that can significantly enrich your daily life. The joy of coming home to a wagging tail is profound!

2. Physical Exercise and Health Improvement:

Puppies are naturally active and playful, requiring daily exercise. This encourages their owners to become more active as they take puppies for walks, runs, and engage in playtime. The physical activity benefits the puppy's health while also fostering a healthier and more active lifestyle for the puppy parents.

3. Stress Reduction and Emotional Support:

Numerous studies have shown that interacting with puppies, can reduce stress and lower blood pressure. Puppies are excellent emotional support companions, providing comfort and reducing feelings of loneliness.

4. Social Interaction

Owning a puppy is a great conversation starter. Taking your new furry friend for walks or to a dog park creates opportunities for social interaction with other dog owners. This can lead to new found friendships and an improved social life.

As this family can attest to, bringing a new puppy into your home can contribute to a more fulfilling and enriched life,  bringing countless smiles and lasting memories.

So, here's to a new beginning in the New Year!

Cheers to Izzy, who, in just a few days, has turned their world upside down in the most heartwarming way.

As they embark on this journey of laughter, love, and the occasional chewed-up slipper, the best is yet to come.

Here's to a year filled with puppy kisses, wagging tails, and the unspoken magic that happens when a family opens their hearts to a new furry friend.

I had so much fun photographing this cute little pup, making memories of a time that is all too short as we know how quickly these little ones grow!

Photographs were taken at home, usually the best place to photograph a new puppy.

Puppies are likely to be more comfortable and relaxed in their familiar home environment. Going to a new location, especially outdoors or a studio, can be overwhelming for a young puppy.

I can’t wait to watch this little puppy grow and create more wonderful photographic memories for the family and kids who’ve fallen in love again!

Feel free to contact me to discuss a photo session for your own puppy. We’ll have so much fun!

Bringing a dog into your home soon? Are you a first time dog owner? Here is some helpful information for first time dog owners or anyone thinking of getting a new dog.